Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The first five wild flowers the kids could identify were of course the ones we consider weeds.  They are everywhere.  Clover. Dandelion. Morning Glory. Buttercup. Daisy.
Blackberries are a given as well.  We went to a trail that I remembered had beautiful flower trees (a month ago).  The trees are no longer flowering.  Oh well, the kids pointed out other flowers to identify.  I quickly realized my knowledge was not far beyond theirs on this subject.  I did not know the following flowers names....

I have been searching to web and have found lots of flowers I commonly see in the forest (dwarf dogwood, bleeding hearts, foxgloves etc.). I can't find these specific ones the kids pointed out. I will keep looking.  I think it is important to be able to identify wildlife. WE MUST FIND OUT THIER NAMES!

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